March 13, 2008

Paleomeal and Whey Cool

Here is some information regarding the Paleomeal/Whey Cool protein quality. I also included some tips for increasing absorption that you may find interesting.

Paleomeal and Whey Cool incorporate full range, biologically active, non-denatured, native whey proteins that are not by-products of cheese manufacture. All other whey products are by-products of cheese manufacture which damages/denatures the vital immune and regenerative components. Currently even the most expensive dietary supplement whey products available, which are isolates, ion exchange, concentrates and hydrolyzed forms, are denatured by-products of cheese manufacture. They have definite limitations in preserving the biological activity of the whey proteins. The milk goes through a heating process (approx. 163 degrees F), chemical modification and pH regulation to produce cheese. Each of these steps denatures the whey proteins. the damaged proteins are then filtered out and what remains is a narrow range of proteins that have survived the cheese manufacturing process. Additionally the vital protein bound fats have been removed. From this point on there is little heat added and some of these whey proteins products are then referred to as undenatured/ cold process. It is not possible for a protein to be undenatured.

Paleomeal and Whey Cool contain the highest amounts of covalent bonded cysteine. This is the critical precursor (required nutrient) for the intracellular production of Glutathione (GSH). Glutathione is our crucial Master Antioxidant, Detoxifier and Immune Booster, and the optimal way to maintain healthy levels is by consuming Native Whey Proteins. Additionally they contain the full range and highest levels of the most important protein components: Lactoferrin, Immunoglobulins, Serum Albumin, Active Peptides and Growth factors. They also contain a complete amino acid profile and all the advantages of organic natural grass pasture fed cows. Grass fed cow's milk has many times highest levels of CLA and proper balance of essential fatty acids.

To enhance protein delivery:

  • Do not use hot or warm liquids above body temperature. Native whey proteins can denature when exposed to heat

  • Drinking water, milk, semi-liquid dairy products or a dairy substitute are all appropriate to mix Paleomeal/Whey Cool

  • Best method of delivery is to use a container to shake it. You can also use an electric blender but use a low speed for a short duration to minimize protein damages.

  • If possible, drink slowly and let mixture circulate in the mouth before swallowing to increase absorption.

  • Mixing Paleomeal/Whey Cook with any other types of food may induce a pH change and slow the transit time in the stomach via digestive response to the solid food. Liquids that are not neutral in their pH can also denature proteins (i.e. most fruit juices, coffee, and tea.)

Trudy's Comments:

All whey protein drinks are not heated the same! Know that you are getting the best with Designs for Health!

Call or e-mail if you have questions on your protein drink.